In the context of the ongoing upgrade of the Rising Star, another thing that seemed simple enough was to go over switches (the headlight dip switch and the three toggles on the avionics box) and check all light bulbs: the one above the license plate didn't work properly so I chased down the gremlins with a multimeter until I found an oxidized connection at the actual bulb. Cleaning contacts and grounds, making sure connections were tight and well insulated took care of most things. In the end though, the real culprit is the battery: it's fine while the bike is running (the alternator is up to snuff and the Boyer-Bransden Powerbox🗲 certainly helps) but it just doesn't hold much of a charge anymore, poor thing. Eventually I will replace it, but I can live with it for now.
I also checked the horn, which works just fine: beep!
All this dealing with the devil's spaghetti seemed like the perfect time to go for something I've secretly liked since I was a rebellious youth, so I've decided to finally go for it and fit the coolest of accessories... a blue marker light. Heck yeah.
Time passes, and things fade out of fashion and away from memory (and because there was no internet and no digital photography back then, there really isn't much in the way of records of this cool trend left behind for us to look at).
But I always thought those little blue lights were cool, and so now, finally, I can have one too.
Uncle Fester cut a very simple bracket out of mild steel, then mounted it to the rear brake stay bracket. Sandro (no, the other Sandro. No not this Sandro either, the other Sandro!) then ran the wiring along the hardtail and over to the "avionics" box, plugged it into a switch (it can be switched on independently of the other lights) and tidied everything up. I am so stoked with this.
Lots of small improvements add up to a more noticeable "quality feel" overall; it's important to do this stuff!