Saturday, August 17, 2019

Extended range.

During the harrowing first Majella tour on top of everything else we put ourselves through, I ended up hitting reserve in the middle of nowhere, at night, in the woods, up a mountain with the nearest gas station surely out of reach.

I kept counting down the miles to the campsite, being as frugal with the throttle as I could be, while still moving forward and making a plan in case I totally ran out of gas; but to my surprise I not only got to the campsite, but made it all the way to the gas station the following morning, with a little bit left in the tank!

So I figured I could probably go 260Km on a very full tank of cold gas (you can pack more into your tank if the liquid is cold, did you know that?).

The two plastic jerry cans, plus the metal bottle Gianluca got me, add an extra four liters, probably worth around 80Km, which means this touring set-up is good for a realistic 340Km range, if not a bit more. Not bad at all...

1200S, the 'S' is for Starliner...


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